How I draw!

Today the white death did not deliver. At least, not on time. Alas, I had to attend my 8am drawing class. GAG. Surprisingly though, drawing wasn’t too horrible. I liked my subject matter today so it made it a lot more bearable. I actually ended up being a good student and staying after class and working, even though I was told there was another class in that room right away. The drawing Gods were smiling on me today and I knew the next prof from a previous class and her class was going on a field trip today! So all in all, I got to stay and work for another 2 hours making my total time for this drawing roughly 4.5 hours. Which is actually really fast for me, it’s actually relatively insane.

This is the beginning of my first drawing assignment of the semester, another layer of something will be added before it’s turned in on thursday this coming week. It’s slightly abstracted… but to give you a setting it’s the top of a makeshift vase with flowers in it, which I believe you can see in the corner of one of the pictures. I took periodic photographs as I went along today, enjoy my process!

The beginning.. dun dun dun

this might be the same thing as the last.. but the first one was blurry, but it had the flowers so.. win some, lose some


an ittle bit o' color

more color, less blending

around the back a bit


and more, I think this is a different picture? I'm getting lost in the thumbnails

a little bit of blending!

some more value added to the stems

even more value,, I know these captions are getting ridiculous

I have no idea what changed. I'm sure you're better able to tell when they're full size.

they're abstracty and petals now!

petals sprouting everywhere!

The end. For today =)