Dahlias in her hair

Currently for one of my classes I am making an animation (a really cool animation) of lyrics to go with a song of my choosing. For Christmas this year my sister got me a cd by a local Cincinnati band called Over the Rhine, their website is linked. I have fallen in love with them! The cd she got me is one of their like 20 cds, ‘the trumpet child.’  Anycahoosit, the song I chose of theirs (On a Roll) has a lyric in it “Dahlias in her hair.” Now listening to this song I had assumed that a dahlia was a flower of some sort, I was correct, but I had no idea how cool of a flower it was! I also have a thing for plants, so I got really excited.

And now, I think I found yet another hypothetical child’s name. Dahlia. Ah love it! So here’s one of my drawings that I made in illustrator that will somehow make it into my animation.. I kinda dislike flash right now.. It’s giving me lip. A lot of lip.

violet also happens to be my favorite color